Ah, after having my PC in the shop for a week I'm back. But guess what, the darn thing still isn't working right. It won't shut down!?!? Maybe the poor thing is trying to make up for lost time when it was sitting all lonely on a shelf at the shop. So now the dilemma - do I give it up for another week or do I cross my fingers and hope it starts to behave again? I know, I really need to get it fixed - but UGH!
My conversation this morning with my 6 year old as I was getting ready to exercise.
Cody: Mom, you look skinnier (see why I love the kid). Is that why you exercise?
Me: No, I exercise to be healthier so I can play with your kids some day. - Ok, I totally lied to him, of course I want to be skinnier but I am trying to raise my 3 sons to not judge their future wives based on their body shapes
Cody: How much did you weigh when you used to be fat (see why the kid drives me crazy?)?
- Wait a minute! I don't think I was ever fat! Maybe had a few pounds to loose and certain areas were a bit softer than I may have liked. Any way it got me to work out extra hard and then add a jog with the dog to my day. Hmmph- fat!
So I got my PC back just in time to create a layout for the "Capture Life" Scrap-off at My Life and Scrap. I really had no idea what I was going to do and wasn't sure how I'd do under the time crunch plus I didn't have any great pictures to use but I am happy with the finished product. Love it when a layout just somehow magically comes together. There are 12 people still in the contest and the judges will narrow it down to 6 this week. I have no idea how they are going to be able to pick just 6. The layouts are all so awesome and different from each other. Check them out here:
Capture Life Scrap-off. Here is my entry - the prompt this week was "My Home".

Today by SAS
Pure Passion MLAS Collab
Photo Negative Mask by Tempus Fugit
Lazy Summer Day's MLAS Collab
Boys Retreat by Catherine Designs
Summer Solstice by New Life Dreams
We bought the house at 10096 Timothy Street 6 years ago. When I look around at my beautiful home, I see the bleach stain on the carpet from when my oldest tried to help me by cleaning up after the dog. I see the dents in the garage from my middle son’s soccer ball hitting the doors. I see my youngest son’s hand writing on the garage floor when he practiced his letters in permanent marker. Yes, all of these little blemishes stressed me at the time but now I see them as reminders of how this house has become our home.