Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Breath of Spring

We are starting to get a tiny taste of spring - temps in the 40s! I always find it interesting that 40 feels so much warmer in the spring than what it did in the fall. The snow is just about gone and has revealed 100s of little gifts my dog left all over the yard during the winter months. But I don't care because spring is on its way and I am so excited.

There is on more round to go for the Scrap-off at My Life and Scrap. I will find out today if I am moving on. It is down to 6 people (who when I look at all of their layouts, I have to admit are much more talented than I am but I still hope to fake my way through). This weeks prompt was "My Job". Well I normally enjoy my job but it all of a sudden felt pretty boring when I tried to come up with a layout. So, I lied and said I was a juggler. Ok, it wasn't exactly a lie, more of a play on words.

Papers from Decanence by RebeccaPSP and And Many More Designer Collab by Samceline
Alpha from Keri Schuller’s Kiddie Christmas (re-colored)
Acrylic Bubbles Action by Mandy Steward

Created with A Breath of Spring Kit by BrittBree

1 comment:

  1. Love your interpretation of the challenge!!! Awesome layout!!!
