It is soccer tournament week-end here. My son's team is pretty much out of the running for placing in the top three but they have their eye on the sportsmanship award. They have been sticking around cheering on their friends who are playing on other teams. Its kinda cool to watch them and to see how much they are just enjoying the game even when they're not winning. A good life lesson I think.
Lucky for me the tournament is in our town so I am still getting some time to get other things done between games. I was even able to squeeze in yesterday's speed scrap at My Life and Scrap. Here is my layout:

Doggy Tales by Thao Cosgrove
Suddenly by Totally D
I Got a Date Vol 2 by Sir Scrapalot
Kicking up the Leaves by Gina Huff
Tulipping by RebeccaPSP
Doggy Tales by Thao Cosgrove
Suddenly by Totally D
I Got a Date Vol 2 by Sir Scrapalot
Kicking up the Leaves by Gina Huff
Tulipping by RebeccaPSP

Created with Sweet Halloween at MLAS