Friday, October 16, 2009

Giving away Artist in Training Kit

I tried to keep my sense of humor as I put together the above layout about Cody's first week of kindergarten but at the time I was in tears more than laughing. I was really questioning our decision to send Cody to a mainstream school on day 2 when I had to hand my screaming baby over to his teacher and she told me to go and that she'd take it from there. Now that he has gotten used to the routine, things are going much better. I love his special needs teacher and he is learning. So yes, we did make the right decision but the first month was tough.

I used one of My Life and Scraps Mega Collab kits, Artist in Training. To celebrate Cody's success, MLAS is letting me give away one of these great kits. Just send me (My3sons) a private message at My Life and Scrap and remind me to keep laughing. At the end of October I will pick a random winner to get this great kit.


  1. I like your BLog very well! and your layout are so marvellous-cool!

  2. I loved your layout, telling the not so great things that happened during this trying time! It is great to document those times as well as the good times! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. A very nice page and great lo's!

  4. You have a very nice Blog!
    Your photos are delightfully gambled away and your layouts are very creative! I come you visit here with pleasure again on your Blog!
