Yesterday my son had his final x-country meet of the season. The whole day was quite the experience. Layne was very excited to be running as he had made some great progress in practice and was bummed to wake up to rain. I was waiting to hear all day if it would be canceled or not. The cancelled call never came so I had planned to leave work early to make sure that I would get there in time. Of course that did not happen. Mapquest told me it was just over an hour drive and I left with just under an hour until the meet started. About a mile away from work I remember I forgot my umbrella at work. Oh well, no time to go back and besides the sun was finally coming out. It was very windy and I noticed the temperature dropping as I drove but the sky was blue. Or at-least it was until I pulled onto the off ramp of the town hosting the meet. Seriously it began to down poor - ugh! Ah, but I did see one bright spot, I had caught up with bus with my son and his team. Feeling a little overconfident with myself, I stopped at a gas station hoping to buy an overpriced umbrella and my sons celebration snack (Swiss Valley chocolate milk and Grandma's double chocolate cookie). They didn't have anything I wanted - stupid store. I made it to the meet and couldn't find Layne or his team. Runners were lined up at the starting line when Layne's bus pulled up (they had gotten lost). The kids literally were pulling off jackets and sweat pants as they were getting off the bus and heading for the starting line. Of course, I have no pictures because it was raining so hard. The interesting thing about x-country is the spectators end up running too in efforts to see the runners more than once during the race. Even in my misery of being freezing cold, I did see the comedy in this (let me add it was hilly, slippery and small ponds were forming from all of the rain).
Layne placed well and didn't question when I handed him A&E Chocolate milk and a Grandma's regular chocolate chip cookie. He is a good kid.
Onto a happier note: In the world of scrapping I want you to know there are two new designers over at My Life and Scrap. They are both fabulous. AND they are both having a SALE! My kind of ladies! Please welcome
JennCK and
3 Dog design and check out their designs.