Saturday, June 27, 2009

Be patient with me as I begin to discover the joys of blogging. I plan to mainly use this as a way to share my passion of digital scrapbooking but you will be sure to get some stories about my crazy life - don't even get me going about the time my husband lost his short term memory. Seriously, I don't make this stuff up but not to worry he is considered back to normal (but we all know he never has been and never will be normal).
Ah, I am already getting off track. Please give me your feed-back as I am as new at this as one can get and will happily take all the advise you are willing to share.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your post, your layouts are really fabulous! Great photo of you and the extraction in the other is good. thanks for the view!
    Amanda from MLAS
