Sunday, April 25, 2010

Not American Idol

Yikes, it is Sunday evening and I remembered that Cody's school concert is tomorrow and he needs a brown shirt. Why do I do these things to myself? I will need to make a quick stop tomorrow after work. What are the odds of finding a plain brown shirt at the first store that I stop at?

Here is a little conversation Cody and I had about his upcoming concert:

Me: What songs are you going to sing?
Cody: I don't know.
Me: If you don't know, how are you going to sing them.
Cody: Its not American Idol Mom. It doesn't really matter. You can't tell if I don't sing because the other kids sing.

Just a heads up for anyone who is looking for a latter Speed Scrap. My Life and Scrap will be having a speed scrap at Midnight EDT on Saturday May 1st.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Easter Race

I have totally sucked at exercising and Pepsi has somehow slipped back into my diet. So I was determined to get back on track today. I exercised and lifted weights (and not just the cute little pink ones) this morning. Now my knees hurt and I have been lazy all day. Ugh! I'm just not sure a hot bod is worth the work. And Pepsi tastes good!

Of course I was at the speed scrap last night at My Life and Scrap. It was a tough one for me but I am pretty happy with the layout. I LOVE (yes that is shouting) the moments when my boys get along.

Credits - Rabbits and Chickens by Rucola
Tulipping by RebeccaPSP
and Itty Bitty Alpha by Weeds and Wildflowers

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I need some scrapping help.....

Last night's speed scrap was a blast like always. I just love the ladies at My Life and Scrap. Everyone is so welcoming and fun. My layout is of my niece and sister-in-law at Easter. The boys and I went to see my brother and his family this year for Easter. It was the perfect week-end. For you scrappers out there I would love some constructive criticism on this layout. I believe these colors can work together but I'm not completely happy with this. Any ideas on what it needs?


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday Speed Scrap

Tonight I will be claiming rights to the computer in order to join the Speed Scrap at My Life and Scrap. I would love, love love to see you there. Come join us!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Green Spring Freebie

I came home from work yesterday and my oldest son had folded the laundry, picked up around the house and was cooking supper. Isn't he a great kid!!! Yeah, of course he wanted something. He is working on me to lend him money to buy a new lap top and then let him pay it off by cutting grass all summer. I don't know - a few more days of getting spoiled like this and I may give in.

Here is a little something for you and you didn't even have to make me supper.
Created by BrittBree

Sunday, April 11, 2010

First soccer game of the season = first trip to the Emergency Room

My son, Layne has been so excited today was his first soccer game of the season. The kid is all about soccer. He practices 3 times a week and is in the yard dribbling every night. About 10 minutes into this long awaited first game he took a ball to the right of his head. He went down, glasses went flying and then he was back up and into the game. However, color was draining from his face, cold sweats set in, he was dizzy and felt sick. When he got pulled out of the game for a break, his coach saw that he was not ok. Thankfully a trip to the ER found that it is only a minor concussion. He is heart broken that he can't do any sports for a week. That means missing his first track meet of the season. We are not going to know what to do with all this spare time for a week.

Created with Samceline's You are my Son-Shine kit

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Somebunny Loves You

Seriously it is almost the middle of April and this is my first post of the month. Shame on me. Life has been hectic but is working itself out. The boys and I went to my brother's for Easter. I hope everyone had as nice of a holiday as I did. My youngest who isn't normally into being cutesy and looked at insisted are wearing Easter Bunny ears when we went out for dinner. The speedscrap on Friday at My Life and Scrap helped me to quickly scrap the page. There will be more pages coming as I now am loaded up with pictures of my niece again. I love getting to do girly pages.

Credits: Everything from Delight by Sas Designs